Where can I get service and/or consumable parts for Kemppi equipment?
You can get service and consumables from your nearest Kemppi representative. Please see our representatives near you.
How can I find the closest Kemppi service workshop near me?
You can find the closest repair workshop from our map search.
What kind of a warranty does Kemppi equipment have?
Kemppi welding equipment is designed and tested for professional industrial environments. As a guarantee of high quality, we offer our customers a global warranty up to three years.
For full details, see Kemppi Warranty.
What does the different error codes mean?
All the error codes are explained in the user manual in detail.
How can I update the software on machine?
What is the recommended mains fuse size and type?
Technical specifications in the user manual has the recommended model and size.
What are the part numbers and prices for spare parts?
You can find our spare and wear part numbers and prices from the nearest Kemppi representative.
How can I find the correct consumable kit for my MIG/MAG machine?
What does a wrench mean on my Kempact RA?
Wire feeder mechanism has high current draw, please check wear parts and contact Kemppi representative.
On my Kempact RA machine, what is the normal cooling fan sequence, start up and in operation?
If there are two fans (3-phase models) in the machine, they are started in sequence so that the second fan is started after a 3 s delay. During start-up, the fans are started for a test run. The fans are kept on for 3 s. (the first fan 6 s, the second one 3 s). When welding starts, the fans are started and when welding stops, the fans are stopped after post run time. The fans are stopped if arc is not established during the first 5 s after start. In an error situation, the fans are always on.